moti mahal Restaurant

Schleißheimer Str. 4
85748 Garching bei München
Tel: 0 89-3 20 11 16

Opening Hours

Daily: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Sun-Thurs: 5:30pm - 11:30pm
Fri and Sat: 5:30pm - midnight


moti mahal - Indian Restaurant

Schleißheimer Str. 4
85748 Garching bei München

Tel: 0 89-3 20 11 16
Fax: 0 89-32 73 06 57

How to find

- Underground U6 station Garching

- Google Maps:

Opening Hours

Mo - So: 11:30 - 14:30 and 17:30 - 23:00 h